domingo, 24 de abril de 2016


29 secundary school

            date   ;13 april 2016


Is a word,prefix   or  sufix  that isused with  a  noun  to  indicate   the  type   of   reference being  made by  the  noun .

Im english articles are frenquently considerede a part of a broader speech category called determiners , which conbines articles ande demostratives such as this and that.

Articles are usually characterized as either definite or indefinite .

Definites article

A difinite article indicates that its noun  is a particular one which is identifiable to the leisterner .

It may be something that the speaker has aberdy mentioned ,or it may be something uni quels specified. The definite  articles  in english, for both singular and plural nouns  is the

Ex; the children knou the fastest was home.

 the sentence above refers to children in general and their specific ways home

Give  me  the  book refers to a specific book whose indentify is know or obvions to the listener ; as such it has a markedly different meaning from

 give me  a book wich uses na indefinite  article , wichspecify what book is to ber  give

The definite article can also be used in english to  indicate a specific closs among other closses.

The cabbage whit butherful lays   its  eggs on menbres of the brassica genus .

However, recent developments show that definite article ar morphological elements linked toortan nou types due to lexicalization , under this point of vien difinitenss does  not play a role in the selection ofdefinite articles more the  lexical entry attached to the article

The definite article  is  sometines also used with proper nanes which are al ready speciafied by definition; there is just one of them .

Ex;the amazon, the  hebrides.

In these cases, the defiti articles may be considered superfluous. Its presence can be accounted for by the assumption that they are shorthand for a longer plvase in which the nane is a specifier.

Partitivre article

A partitive article is a type of indefitnite article used with a non – specific  quantity of it .partitive articles  definite and indefinite articles .

     (in finnsh and estonian, the  partitive is indicated by inflectio) the nearest equivalent inenglish is come, although this is considered a determiner and not na article

Ex do you ( some) coffe

Do you want some of this coffe


Negative article a negative article specifies more of its noun , and can thus be regarded as definite nor indefinite- on the other hand, some consider such a word to be a simple determiner rather than an articles , in english ,this fuction is fulfilled by wich can appear before a singular or plural noun. No man has been on this island

No dogs are allowed here

No one is in the roon.



Zero article

The zero article is the absence of na article , in languages having a    definite article the lock of an article specifically indicates that the nonun is indefitite.

In english the zero article rather than the indefinite is used wth plvrals and mass nouns although the word some can be used as na indefinite plvral  article


The article used in english are

Definite article          indefinite article         partitive article

The                                              a/ an                                       some





Indefinite article

Na indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one (or ones) identifiable tothe listener , it may be something that the spearker is mentioning for the first time , or its precise identity may be irrelevant or hypothetical ,or the speaker may be making a general statement about any such thign       

29 secundary school

            date   ;13 april 2016


Is a word,prefix   or  sufix  that isused with  a  noun  to  indicate   the  type   of   reference being  made by  the  noun .

Im english articles are frenquently considerede a part of a broader speech category called determiners , which conbines articles ande demostratives such as this and that.

Articles are usually characterized as either definite or indefinite .

Definites article

A difinite article indicates that its noun  is a particular one which is identifiable to the leisterner .

It may be something that the speaker has aberdy mentioned ,or it may be something uni quels specified. The definite  articles  in english, for both singular and plural nouns  is the

Ex; the children knou the fastest was home.

 the sentence above refers to children in general and their specific ways home

Give  me  the  book refers to a specific book whose indentify is know or obvions to the listener ; as such it has a markedly different meaning from

 give me  a book wich uses na indefinite  article , wichspecify what book is to ber  give

The definite article can also be used in english to  indicate a specific closs among other closses.

The cabbage whit butherful lays   its  eggs on menbres of the brassica genus .

However, recent developments show that definite article ar morphological elements linked toortan nou types due to lexicalization , under this point of vien difinitenss does  not play a role in the selection ofdefinite articles more the  lexical entry attached to the article

The definite article  is  sometines also used with proper nanes which are al ready speciafied by definition; there is just one of them .

Ex;the amazon, the  hebrides.

In these cases, the defiti articles may be considered superfluous. Its presence can be accounted for by the assumption that they are shorthand for a longer plvase in which the nane is a specifier.

Partitivre article

A partitive article is a type of indefitnite article used with a non – specific  quantity of it .partitive articles  definite and indefinite articles .

     (in finnsh and estonian, the  partitive is indicated by inflectio) the nearest equivalent inenglish is come, although this is considered a determiner and not na article

Ex do you ( some) coffe

Do you want some of this coffe


Negative article a negative article specifies more of its noun , and can thus be regarded as definite nor indefinite- on the other hand, some consider such a word to be a simple determiner rather than an articles , in english ,this fuction is fulfilled by wich can appear before a singular or plural noun. No man has been on this island

No dogs are allowed here

No one is in the roon.



Zero article

The zero article is the absence of na article , in languages having a    definite article the lock of an article specifically indicates that the nonun is indefitite.

In english the zero article rather than the indefinite is used wth plvrals and mass nouns although the word some can be used as na indefinite plvral  article


The article used in english are

Definite article          indefinite article         partitive article

The                                              a/ an                                       some





Indefinite article

Na indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one (or ones) identifiable tothe listener , it may be something that the spearker is mentioning for the first time , or its precise identity may be irrelevant or hypothetical ,or the speaker may be making a general statement about any such thign       

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