quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2019

English is not easy to learn by the students in Mozambican secondary schools

Table of contents                                                                                            

1. Introduction

Background of the problem

1.2 Objectives

1.2.1. Aim

1.2.2 Objectives

1.3 CriticalQuestions

1.4. Hypothesis

2. Rationale/justification



1.1.1The use of storytelling

1.1.2 Strategies to organize storytelling activities

1.1.3 Benefits of Using Storytelling


1.2.1 Attempting to define speaking

1.3 Theoretical framework


2.1. Type of Research

2.2. Population and Sample

2.3. Methods/data Collection Techniques

2.3.1 Questionnaire

2.3.2 Observation

2.3.3 Interview

2.4. Method of Analysis

2.5. Data Collection Plan

Chapter III: Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion

3.1. Dissemination of results

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The present research proposal is developed for the reason of having noted most students in Mozambican secondary schools, especially at Chambone Secondary School in Maxixe they end their grade 12 without speak English. It is a fact that the success in learning a language at first can be seen from the ability of the learner’s speaking. However, it is very hard for the beginners to speak the foreign language, especially English. There are a lot of reasons why they get difficulties in speaking, such as lack of ideas to tell, lack of vocabularies to express the ideas, lack of the chance to speak, and lack of the interesting teaching method that can motivate them to speak. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the effect of storytelling on students’ speaking ability and students’ attitudes toward its implementation of storytelling technique.

1. Introduction

English is not easy to learn by the students in Mozambican secondary schools. One of the basic skills in English is speaking. For the students, speaking exercise is difficult to try. Naturally, they feel confused on the rule, like: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. Some of the students are afraid to be active in speaking. This phenomenon makes many students have low scores in speaking class. The English teachers state the most of the students complain that they do not understand how to speak English correctly. They say that learning English is confusing activity. It is caused by the teaching technique which is applied by them. The English teacher still implements the direct method, which places the teacher as a center of the class, while the students are less active. The teacher also not makes a good interaction with the students in teaching speaking process.

According to Zamdani (1998) teacher is not central focus in learning. Teaching speaking focuses on making the students active and creative. The students dominate the process of learning speaking; afterwards, it is dominated by the teacher or instructor. In this case, teacher is only the facilitator and controller who create the material, method and technique. Suggested by National Department (2004) the students should be able to communicate appropriately and correctly, in the interaction context and in simple short monologue, especially in describing something. Because of that thing, the teacher must conduct another technique to make the students more interesting to learn English, especially in teaching speaking process.

Therefore, this research proposal is aimed to analyze the use of storytelling as a technique to improve students’ speaking skills. The work is divided into three (3) chapters whereby, the first chapter is literature review. In this chapter, it will be presented different concepts of speaking ability as well as the concepts and use of storytelling to improve students ‘speaking abilities. The chapter two is about methodologies. This chapter will mention what methodologies the researcher will use to collect data in the field to validate the hypothesis of this paper. And in the last chapter 3, the researcher will say how data will be presented, discussed and analyzed.  

Background of the problem
During my internship process at Chambone Secondary School I noticed that students end their grade 12 without speaking English. This was a big barrier to work with them, especially when we were dealing with speaking activities because they were not able to discuss the tasks in English.Therefore, we assume that one of the reason that enable students to speak the language is because teachers do not use storytelling as a technique to develop students speaking skills and desire. When teaching speaking English for the students, especially in teaching speaking, it constantly have to keep in mind the fact that what we have in front of us is admixed class with expectations, motivation level, knowledge and last but not least, different learning styles. Thus, we need to vary our approaches and offer as much opportunity as possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold on too, expand and grow.

So, we think that as storytelling is at one of the simplest and quickest ways of establishing a happy relation between teacher and students in teaching and learning speaking process, and one of the most effective methods to make the students more interest in learning speaking and make the students to speak up bravely, it should be emphasized by teachers. Storytelling is a creative problem solving technique that relies on the background and experiences of students.

Table of contents                                                                                            

1. Introduction

Background of the problem

1.2 Objectives

1.2.1. Aim

1.2.2 Objectives

1.3 CriticalQuestions

1.4. Hypothesis

2. Rationale/justification



1.1.1The use of storytelling

1.1.2 Strategies to organize storytelling activities

1.1.3 Benefits of Using Storytelling


1.2.1 Attempting to define speaking

1.3 Theoretical framework


2.1. Type of Research

2.2. Population and Sample

2.3. Methods/data Collection Techniques

2.3.1 Questionnaire

2.3.2 Observation

2.3.3 Interview

2.4. Method of Analysis

2.5. Data Collection Plan

Chapter III: Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion

3.1. Dissemination of results

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The present research proposal is developed for the reason of having noted most students in Mozambican secondary schools, especially at Chambone Secondary School in Maxixe they end their grade 12 without speak English. It is a fact that the success in learning a language at first can be seen from the ability of the learner’s speaking. However, it is very hard for the beginners to speak the foreign language, especially English. There are a lot of reasons why they get difficulties in speaking, such as lack of ideas to tell, lack of vocabularies to express the ideas, lack of the chance to speak, and lack of the interesting teaching method that can motivate them to speak. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the effect of storytelling on students’ speaking ability and students’ attitudes toward its implementation of storytelling technique.

1. Introduction

English is not easy to learn by the students in Mozambican secondary schools. One of the basic skills in English is speaking. For the students, speaking exercise is difficult to try. Naturally, they feel confused on the rule, like: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. Some of the students are afraid to be active in speaking. This phenomenon makes many students have low scores in speaking class. The English teachers state the most of the students complain that they do not understand how to speak English correctly. They say that learning English is confusing activity. It is caused by the teaching technique which is applied by them. The English teacher still implements the direct method, which places the teacher as a center of the class, while the students are less active. The teacher also not makes a good interaction with the students in teaching speaking process.

According to Zamdani (1998) teacher is not central focus in learning. Teaching speaking focuses on making the students active and creative. The students dominate the process of learning speaking; afterwards, it is dominated by the teacher or instructor. In this case, teacher is only the facilitator and controller who create the material, method and technique. Suggested by National Department (2004) the students should be able to communicate appropriately and correctly, in the interaction context and in simple short monologue, especially in describing something. Because of that thing, the teacher must conduct another technique to make the students more interesting to learn English, especially in teaching speaking process.

Therefore, this research proposal is aimed to analyze the use of storytelling as a technique to improve students’ speaking skills. The work is divided into three (3) chapters whereby, the first chapter is literature review. In this chapter, it will be presented different concepts of speaking ability as well as the concepts and use of storytelling to improve students ‘speaking abilities. The chapter two is about methodologies. This chapter will mention what methodologies the researcher will use to collect data in the field to validate the hypothesis of this paper. And in the last chapter 3, the researcher will say how data will be presented, discussed and analyzed.  

Background of the problem
During my internship process at Chambone Secondary School I noticed that students end their grade 12 without speaking English. This was a big barrier to work with them, especially when we were dealing with speaking activities because they were not able to discuss the tasks in English.Therefore, we assume that one of the reason that enable students to speak the language is because teachers do not use storytelling as a technique to develop students speaking skills and desire. When teaching speaking English for the students, especially in teaching speaking, it constantly have to keep in mind the fact that what we have in front of us is admixed class with expectations, motivation level, knowledge and last but not least, different learning styles. Thus, we need to vary our approaches and offer as much opportunity as possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold on too, expand and grow.

So, we think that as storytelling is at one of the simplest and quickest ways of establishing a happy relation between teacher and students in teaching and learning speaking process, and one of the most effective methods to make the students more interest in learning speaking and make the students to speak up bravely, it should be emphasized by teachers. Storytelling is a creative problem solving technique that relies on the background and experiences of students.

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